
sape je yang tak tahu cerita How i Meet Your Mother..? yeah ur totally freaky lame..hahaha.. tapi buat masa ni bila aku tanya pasal cerita how i meet you mother, semua orang tahu..gila ape tak tahu cerita awesome ni..hahaha..
acc aku dah pernah pun layan HIMYM( how i meet your mother ) dekat Ntv7..selalu je layan tapi aku tak dapat nk follow every week..yelah kalau duduk rumah ade je aktiviti lain..but bila study ni bukan layan sangat la bila aku dapat tahu kawan aku ada full of season ..n i feel like..wahh! i want it 3x..yeahh so childish XD i've been watching season 4..and i can't stop to watch it every time event assignment belambak acc cerita ni just flashback and pasal macam mane si TED jumpa wife dia..and dia cerita balik dekat anak2 dia sepanjang and macam mane Ted jumpa dengan mak anak2 dia..yelah bukan senang2 nak cari girlfriend kan.. so in this story, character yg aku paling suka is BARNEY..hahaha..i love barney..he's funny and gamble person, he's always lucky event he's like to do sex...err..nvm..but sampai sekarang aku tak tahu si Barney ni kerja ape..dah la bos pulak tu..hahaha..and TED..he always need to think before he do it something, but i love his personally too..and i want to have a couple like MARSHALL and LILY..they very love and honest with each other..but smetimes not...laslty is ROBIN..she's very beautiful and very love her career.

btw ape yang aku suka pasal this movie is their friendship.. yeah kuat gila semangat kengkawanan antara satu sama lain..susah senang bersama..selalu je lepak skali...kalau kita ni mesti boring kan?? but not for them..yeah it's just a just follow the script and story line..but i hope that i will get a friends like them..ouh bukannya aku ni takde kawan macam tu tapi sekarang ni susah nak cari kawan susah senang bersama rite?? ada tu ada tapi tak banyak..pandai carila..tak pandai diri sendiri yang sengsara..
btw..for those yang tak pernah layan HIMYM, you've got better find it from your friends yang ada layan movie ni..!
and do not skip the episode..then u will never understand the i can't wait to watch until season 8 and get to know who is gonna be TED wife and child for their mother..
ouh i also waiting for season finale (9)!!
can't wait lah!

 * kawan aku anis suka intro lagu HIMYM...hehehe
btw have you meet YAYA? :D

thanks for reading this entry :)
