
Showing posts from May, 2014

REVIEW 01 =.=!

assalammualaikum...  setiap bulan satu entry..hahaha al maklumlah da final years kan! so a few week ago is the worst week juga la sebab ada first review graphic for my batch 06 with lecturer...huh memang rasa macam nak jalan kat titian silaturmustaqim je dia punye berdebar tu...hukhukhuk everyone in my batch ketaq lutut tau sebab nak kena presentation every single detail about our major project...aku? okaayh aku xdela prepare sangat tapi ade la aku buat ape yang perlu untuk presentation nanti,,dah la presentation bukan dengan lecturer yang selalu kita consult...masak2.. When it comes to my presentation..what can i say..hmmm..a little bit down because lecturer tak faham what i want to do..and they said my major project more to theory and ' angan2' well i memang suka berangan pun..huahauhaua... but sokayh...every single comment i take it as a improvement for my self and project! that aku tahu what need to do after this..ehhehe! marah pada lec tu tak..because what h...